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The "Secret Ingredient".

Updated: Nov 24, 2021

What did you do first to help you on your health and wellness journey? Feel like you're always on and off with your results? This article may help you understand why this is happening.

Do you ever feel like you are chasing your tail when it comes to fat loss? Like you are experiencing “ground hog” day every couple of months? Do you feel like you are right back at the beginning, AGAIN!?

Well let me ask you this. Before diving into your exercise and nutrition what did you do first? I mean what are you doing or did you do to help yourself out when it comes to the thoughts you think, the patterns you revert back to in stressful times? Have you worked on your self love, happiness or childhood trauma or even your adulthood trauma? Have you allowed yourself to heal from whatever it is your mind AND body needs to heal from? Trust me there is always something. And if you are sitting there thinking there is nothing, yet you’re still struggling with fat loss that is a sign that you don’t know what that “something” is yet. And that is ok! A journey of self discovery is what you need. Sounds “fluffy”? But it is the “one thing” people haven’t tried and won’t try because it’s not an instant result or a quick fix!! Trust me it’s the “quickest” fix to get off this vicious cycle of yo-yo dieting. So what do you have to lose….other than fat? And gain more insight on YOU as an individual and what makes you, you!

When was the last time you were happy with what you see in the mirror, hand over heart, honest to god HAPPY? When was the last time you said out loud to yourself, looking into your own eyes (through the mirror) and said “Belle, I love you. I fucking love you and you make me proud!” Well when was it? Never? That’s what I thought. Look I am not being “smug” here I need you (the person who is reading this article) to REALLY understand what weight loss/fat loss is all about. ESPECIALLY if you are not achieving it and you DESERVE the best health possible. We all do.

So here it is. Some actions you can ACTUALLY do to help yourself out so you can really ACHIEVE that “Goal” or KPI (Key Performance Indicator) that you have always had in the back of your mind.

  1. Become more aware of yourself. How? Start journaling. Journaling seems to have this stigma attached to it that it is a very spiritual practice and only true “yogi’s” JOURNAL. Well I say BULLSH#T! This is not the case. All I want you to do is write down first three grateful’s. Three small things in your life that you are grateful, the smaller the better. This will help bring you back to the important things in life and just how fortunate YOU really are. Example: I am grateful for my eyesight because I can see my family (not everyone has this luxury and it is definitely something we can take for granted), I am grateful for my car to drive me to and from work and see my friends on the weekend (a lot of people can’t afford a car) I am grateful for my partner because they support me in everything I do even if they do not agree with it 100%. Three “SIMPLE” things, that in reality are quite BIG things that mean a lot to us. With the way social media impacts us these days we can easily lose sight of the things that we are so fortunate to have. Then after your three grateful’s journal a win from the day and a work on or focus for the next day.

  2. Speak more positively to yourself. I actually stopped and said “I love you Belle and I am proud of you!” In the mirror the other day and what happened next shocked me to my core. My eye’s started leaking!!! It goes to show the importance of self love. Enough said.

  3. Instead of thinking about our food as an equation ie: Calories in and calories out. Think of it as a chance to nourish yourself. To nourish your hormones which need looking after in order for our bodies to burn fat efficiently and effectively. Think of your nutrition as a way to feel better energetically. Another method or step to your skin care regime. The nutrients we consume are directly reflected through our skin, hair and nails. People always notice the colour of my eyes when I am eating optimally. The nutrients in our food are directly reflected in our complexion. Including the energy we project and the attitude we exude.

These are some ways to stay mindful and present with ourselves. Work on you and your habits and behaviours FIRST to really understand yourself and why you do what you do. Take these steps seriously and even a little further than what I have said. Journal more once you get the idea of it after a week or two. You’ll start to journal behavioural patterns and the things that bring you joy and the experiences that irritate you. You can look back at the week that was and start to understand what makes you each out for certain foods, what emotions came up for you that didn’t sit well with you. What worked well for you and what didn’t. The more you dive into your habits and behaviours the more you can move closer to beginning your own health journey. Trust me the more you understand you the easier it will be.

Give it a go, what do you have to lose? And everything to gain.

Much love,

Coach B xx

Photo cred: Niki Suridge, Goomburra QLD.

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