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We are fuel to the fire and the fire is STRESS.

Understanding where and when in our "busy" 24hrs we choose to throw fuel on the fire and the fire being stress.

We are fuel to the fire and the fire is STRESS.

A lot of people have stress, experience stress daily and even hourly and it is without a doubt that stress is increasing in society and number one precursor too many lifestyle diseases, commonly known as chronic disease. HOWEVER there are times and situations where we are fuelling unnecessary stress, actually more often than not we are driving to increase our levels that we are exposed to on the daily.

The scary thing is, we don’t even realise we are doing it or the cause of it increasing to the point of boiling over. This is what a lot of doctors would describe as a silent killer and a lot of health care professionals describe as the key to your health goals becoming successful or not.

The impact stress has on our internals is one big domino affect. First impacting the central nervous system, gut health, hormone health and insulin levels. Not to mention fuelling heart problems, cardiovascular diseases and many more lifestyle diseases that people mistaken for as chronic diseases when in actually fact if you “strip back” these so called “chronic” diseases they are absolutely caused by lifestyle choices or there lack of.

However that is not what this article is about. This article is about the behaviours we inhibit from society and its belief systems on how we should operate, work and function whilst at the place of business. Once again coming back how to achieve our goals affectively is to ensure they are our own personal belief systems and for us and our benefit. Hang in there for a moment. While there are processes and procedures set in place at work by your boss or CEO in order to get a specific result for whomever is paying your bills there comes a time however where you have a choice. And that choice is. Are you going to fuel the fire or tame it? Are you going to add to the chronic stress (chronic stress = leads to lifestyle diseases not chronic diseases) or are you going to work towards taming it within your working environment?

Now these actions, habits, cue’s are extremely sneaky and very well disguised. I am not talking about being a lazy bugger at work to ensure no stress, there is a healthy amount of stress a human needs in order to survive however we have totally blurred the lines that we don’t know what that is anymore because the “systems” we have put in place within our working environment are failing. Failing in the battle to tame the fire that is also known as stress.

Actions such as staying seated at your desk replying to emails or answering phone calls in your lunch break. I am not going to elaborate on this point anymore because there are NO BLURRED LINES here. No if but’s or maybe’s. You either do it or you don’t and if you do you need to work towards not. Next up is saying “yes” when you should be saying “no”. No further explanation, you know what I mean. Not asking for help, when you need it because of an ego or stigma attached to asking for help. Been there. Staying at work long after (not even long after), after your work hours have finished. Saying yes to extra curricular activities outside of work, when you volunteered last time they hosted a work event and no one else put their hand up. These acts are all acts of throwing a jerry can of fuel on the fire that is stress.

We must learn to say no and saying no without explaining ourselves because at the end of the day my friend, if you don’t have your health what the F do you have? More to the point if at the end of the ay you don’t have your mental health, what do you have?

Stress and sleep are the number one drivers behind our large decline in health. Read that sentence again and go and make a plan of attack that is both realistic and manageable for you to keep up long term. Be smart with your time and energy because they are our most precious commodities that we as humans can exchange with, not money. So be selfish with your time to benefit you first and foremost but also those you love dearly. You want good energy for those you care about and you need to prioritise you first. That email you are about to respond to can absolutely wait.

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