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Sunflower Jam Drops

A healthy twist on the old jam drops. SERVES 12


1.5 cups of sunflower seeds

1/2 cup of buckwheat flour

1 1/2 tbs corn flour/arrowroot

1tsp baking powder

Pinch of salt

1/4 cup butter, melted

2tbs honey

2 eggs

1tsp vanilla extract


1 cup frozen raspberries, defrosted

1tbs chia seeds

1tsp vanilla extract


  1. Roast off the sunflower seeds on a baking tray in the oven at 180 degrees for 10mins.

  2. Once roasted blitz 3/4 of the seeds in a nutri-bullet or blender until a coarse meal is formed.

  3. Add to a large mixing bowl and add the corn flour, baking powder, salt.

  4. In a smaller bowl combine the melted butter, honey, vanilla and egg. Whisk with a fork.

  5. Add wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and fold through until a dough is formed.

  6. Seperate the second egg and keep the egg white and whisk in a small bowl until a light foam is formed. Chop the leftover sunflower seeds and set aside.

  7. Using a dessert spoon make balls with the dough. gently flatten them but not too much and dip in the egg white and then the seeds. When you place them on the lined baking tray make a thumb imprint for the jam to sit in.

  8. Once all biscuits are on the tray defrost your berries and make the jam and gently spoon portions into the biscuits. Now you are ready to watch the magic happen. Place in the oven for around 10-12 minutes.

  9. Enjoy with a cup of tea and loved ones knowing you are doing good with less sugar and a more nutrient dense biscuit. Winning!

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