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Seafood Paella

Perfect for the cooler months that are approaching. High protein, nourishing and good for the soul.


- 2 chorizo sausages, sliced

- 500g of calamari rings

- 12 uncooked prawns

- 100g peas

- 3 ripe tomatoes, diced

- 1 brown onion, diced

- 1 whole capsicum, sliced

- 1tbs sweet paprika

- 500g calasparra rice

- 100ml dry white wine

- 3 cloves garlic, chopped

- 1-1.5L chicken stock, salt reduced

- 1/4 bunch parsley, chopped

- 2g saffron thread

- 50ml warm water

- Lemon, sliced


  1. Place the paella pan on low heat and add the chorizo, stirring it around until it render fat

  2. Add a little olive oil and add the onion and garlic and saute until soft

  3. Add rice and stir

  4. Add the wine and allow to evaporate

  5. Add the chopped tomatoes, saffron and season with pepper and salt

  6. Begin adding the stock, allowing it to simmer until it is absorb, continue adding the stock until the rice is 3/4 cooked

  7. Add the calamari rings and cook for 1minute

  8. Add peas. Arrange the prawns on top and cook for approximately 5-7mins

  9. Add the capsicum and turn off the heat and cover the paella with foil allowing it to rest for a few minutes

  10. Remove the foil and add the parsley and lemon wedges on top

  11. Enjoy!

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