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Herbed Salmon with a nicoise side salad & green olive dressing

Updated: Nov 24, 2021

This was the most satisfying and nourish dish I have made during lockdown and I loved it. SERVES 2.


- 2 large fillets with the skin on

- 2 large white potatoes

- rock salt

- olive oil


- 250g butter

- half a bunch of fresh sage

- half a bunch of fresh chives

- half a bunch of fresh tarragon, all chopped

- 1/2tsp garlic, minced


- 200g of green beans, cut down the centre

- mixed cherry tomatoes, cut in halves

- red onion, finely sliced

- mixed lettuce leaves

1 cucumber, thinly sliced


- 1/4 cup olive oil

- 2tbs of apple cider vinegar

- 1/2 tsp garlic, minced

- 1tbs baby capers

- 2tsp dijion mustard

- 1/4 cup of green sicilian olives chopped

- 1-2tbs water to help loosen the mix


  1. Make the butter first be sure the butter is at room temperature to make it easier to mix the herbs in

  2. Pre heat the oven to 180-200 so it is nice and hot when the potatoes go in

  3. Par boil the potatoes first, Peel them and half them and bring to the boil

  4. Once they are partly cooked, slice them into pieces add olive oil and salt to them and bake

  5. Make the butter in a small bowl

  6. Create the salad and the dressing. I used a jar the make the dressing so you can mix it well by shaking it

  7. When the potato is nearly ready start cooking the salmon in a pan in the herb butter

  8. Plate up once the salmon is cooked through and the potatoes are nice and crispy

So very nourishing and satisfying. There are no better words to describe it. Thoroughly enjoyed it!

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