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Away from the personalised 1:1 coaching over a 16 week period that I offer clients there is now a three tiered membership to choose from.


TIER 1: Universal Membership

This is where the individual is confident in doing the exercise and nutrition on their own after an initial goals and nutrition consult. For the duration of the 16 weeks they will follow the personalised movement plan and nutrition plan set in place from the beginning with Coach Belle. This membership is catered for those who are ready to do it on their own but with professional guidance in a group setting, online. 


 TIER 2: Thriving Membership 

This membership is designed for those who need more accountability and guidance with the direction on how to successfully reach their health and fitness goals once and for all.. This is achieved through fortnightly coaching calls, live and recorded classes as well as regular video's as to how to keep the momentum up between coaching calls. This is as personalised as group coaching gets.


TIER 3: Nourish'd Membership

As the name suggests this membership is all about nutrition. Solely nutrition focused on how to improve, what to focus on and ongoing support throughout your journey. This membership also comes with fortnightly coaching calls, which you have the choice of attending live or watching the recording in your own time. Surveys will be a part of the process to ensure personalisation to those in the group and thought provoking questions during each coaching call, to allow you to interrupt old patterns. We will be using a "high level pattern interruption" technique throughout the clients time in this specialised group. Fortnightly worksheets, goal setting and accountability to those goals set, will be apart of the experience. If you do not feel you are ready for this next level of ownership, accountability or learning this membership is not for you. You need to be willing to do the work. 

Image by Nadine Shaabana

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